Mother's Day Chrysanthumum

Mother's Day Chrysanthumum

We had such a great week preparing and working with some beautiful locally grown chrysanthumum.  Why do we love them so much? They come in a lovely range of colours, from whites, creams to pinks and bright yellows and oranges. They are long lasting as we have picked them within days of using, these can last up to 3 weeks.  And if you change the water and trim the stems every couple of days they may even last longer!  So for our Mother's Day bouquets they are the perfect filler.  

We hope that if you recieved blooms over the Mother's Day weekend that you are enjoying their unique qualities and fragrance.  For me that smell is nostelgic and brings back memories of when I would pick small posies of chrysanthumum when I was a teenager.  The crisp autumn air and the changing colours in the trees reflected in the colours of the flowers.  

We have a few weeks left of this autumn weather, so enjoy it and a bunch of chryssies as well.  

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