Timeless Bouquet

Timeless Bouquet

Why we Love a Timeless Bouquet in green and white.  They are perfect for any season, we can always source white flowers and as the seasons change we can create a slightly different look just by changing the blooms used.  They are perfectly matched to the wedding party dress colours and styles.  We love them in winter for a crisp white wedding.  

Some of our most loved White flowers: the classic rose, we will most likely feature a rose and spray roses in your bouquet.  Sweet William, these give cute little pops of tetxture and are perflect for nestling deep into the bouquet.  Dahlias are bold and will definatley make a statment.  Ranunculas in season make the softest fluffiest flower.  Sweet Peas give movement and a sweet fragrance.  Lisianthus also gives us all the frills and add softnest to the design.  

So if you are unsure of a color palette for your wedding theme, then Green and White is a great choice.  It can add a formal touch to Church wedding, or we can make it whimsical for a garden wedding.  

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